This page lists a few of my favorite links, as well as a few free digital apps for producing vector and raster images, as well as links you may need to navigate your way around Clark Middle School, or District Links, like the "1-Stop Shop for Educators."
Foundations for Drawing Cartoons for Animation [LinkedIN]
PD for me. SDUSD Student Art (end of year Slides)
District initiatives & resource supports
SDUSD Staff Welness | VeBA Resources (Classes)
Totem Quiz (Spirit Animal) | Personality Type Quiz
Squiggle Art on Etsy | My Pinterest page, HISworx | is a simple paint program
What are the Different Media, & how are they made?
Restorative Justice Links: Practices (Padlet), "Cruising Through Our Beliefs,"
Tibetan Meditative Music (To Draw By)
Disney Music One, Motown Instrumental | Jazz 2, 3, 4, 5 48 hours of Jazz | L'indécis | Fkj Live in Paris, acoustic guitar | FKJ +1, 2, 3, 4,
Scott Joplin | Meditative Beats | Ragtime | Easy Jazz
Happy JAZZ: Positive Morning JAZZ
Blues (with A.I. images of beautiful women)
8:23:51 Classical Music
1980s Playlist | Star Wars Music
Jurassic Park Music
Halloween Songs Playlist
| Maranatha Worship |
| 3 Hours of Gospel Worship |
| Another 3 Hours |
| 3:28:45 Bethel Music Live Concert |
Best Worship Songs of 2020 | Shirt
3 hours of Christmas Music | Another 3 hours
"Guardians of the Galaxy"
Fast, Energetic Classical Music
Halloween Songs Playlist
Clark Social Media
Facebook | Twitter | Instagram Dept. of Ed. CoronaVirus info.__[Private Links 2 "sCasts"]_+_[lists]___Hoover Teacher ListStudents can use Clark Student Voiceto report issues to Deans.Link to 2021-2022 site. Staff Preps
PD for me. SDUSD Student Art
(end of year Slides) | PeopleSoft HCM
What are Microcredentials? (SDUSD) Catalog
Educator Updates 10/05/22 |
What is chatGPT?
Seems a bit redundant, but here's my
CaptivArting (Google Site)
Learn Canvas
Instead of using Google Classroom, as it is more robust)
Great Pinterest Site of Cartoon & Comic Book illustration exmaples
Best free Vector Software (list/links to each)?Favorite Free Raster? (Digital Draw/Paint)
IncredibleArt Middle Lessons
A few useful links Clark Middle School:
Google Form: Request a Replacement laptop, or charger. Also includes basic trouble-shooting.
VAPA Resource Site (for Visual Art Teachers).
Staff Portal (Clark Teachers) • SDUSD Educator Updates | Educators 1Stop Shop
Staff Meetings (Schedule)
TeacherTech is a great site for Educators, complete Google Support.
California Arts Standards for 6th, 7th & 8th grade Art. You will find the complete standards for each grade listed.
(NOTE: the PDF is 244 pages in length. The Visual Arts Standards begin on page 199, and is searchable for each grade level).The National Common Core Standards for the Visual Arts which is more brief.
Preventing Gun Violence (SDUSD)
DXF Downloads (transparent vector) Vector images of keys (Google Search)
Visual Arts Critical Concepts Matrix (VAPA)
Serie-Golo, is one of the most sophisticatedly simple-looking cartoon illustrators from France. 1, 2, 3, 4, Character-Design (girls), Artist Trading Card Ideas.
Bathroom Pass (click to download and print)