Character Design
Character Designers work for Animation Studios
Character Designers work for Animation Studios
Here's an example of a site that presents a great variety of Character Design References, which can be viewed for examples of how to draw them. There's a ton of references at this Character Design website's Visual Library. A Pinterest Site: Character Design Silhouettes (See if you can guess which characters these are, even in silhouette).
Here's an example of a site that presents a great variety of Character Design References, which can be viewed for examples of how to draw them. There's a ton of references at this Character Design website's Visual Library. A Pinterest Site: Character Design Silhouettes (See if you can guess which characters these are, even in silhouette).
The Loomis Method of Drawing Portraits on Pinterest, which may be blocked at school, so you can use this Google Search to view links on samples and lessons).
The Loomis Method of Drawing Portraits on Pinterest, which may be blocked at school, so you can use this Google Search to view links on samples and lessons).
Stick-Figure Links, Various Sports + Leisure time Activities
Stick-Figure Links, Various Sports + Leisure time Activities
Model Sheets
Model Sheets
- Francisco Herrera is a Character Designer for many animated features; this link is on a contemporary animation site called, "FloobyNooby."
- Portal do Ilustrador, is a site similar to the Etherington Brothers Art site. Use this for hundreds of links to examples and ideas for increasing your knowledge of Cartoon Illustration for Comics.
- One of my students was looking up images of Juniper Lee, whom I'd never heard of, so I looked at it, liked the style, and decided to add it to my list of characters to learn how to draw. For more info click this link on wikipedia.