Your Frivolity page represents the most useless of activities that no-one but you would be interested in; but you might be surprised. I recently re-discovered an old blog our 6th-grade "Wheel" class did in 2016 which we called, "The Second Dullest Blog in the World," based on "The Dullest Blog in the World," by Dave Walker. (Both are on this page, below) Other frivolous stuff? Links to games and random videos that are also likely only of interest to you. Here are some examples. This is a game one of my students was playing the second-to-last day of school. It's a lot tougher than it looks.
As a perfect example of frivolity, in 2019, one of my students (most likely Vanessa Castro, the President of the Pun Club at CPMA), stumbled across a site called, "The Dullest Blog in the World." I used it as an example of how easy it is to make a blog. I updated it this morning (first time in 4 years, as I'd completely forgotten about The Second Dullest Blog in the World.
Credits Video for "homestuck" website.
1. e4 e5 2. Ne2 b5 3. Nbc3 Nf6 4. f3 Ng8 5. Nxb5 Ba6 6. Na3 Nc6 7. d3 Bc5 8. Nc4 Nf6 9. a3 O-O 10. b4 Kh8 11. bxc5 Qb8 12. Bb2 Bxc4 13. dxc4 Qxb2 14. Rb1 Rfc8 15. Rxb2 a6 16. Nd4 g5 17. Nf5 Rf8 18. Rb7 Rac8 19. h4 Na5 20. hxg5 Nxb7 21. gxf6 Nxc5 22. f4 exf4 23. Qh5 Nb3 24. Qxh7#
Spiderman Game (Yah Ago)
SuperLotto: #s-Check
Miscellaneous links to follow-up on
Thread the Larriat is my nephew Collin's band
This couple do amazing stop-motion videos
Drawing hints from this guy
High-framerate cameras help this slow motion video Grapher produce stunning videos
Simple animation we ought to be able to pull off
Stop-motion app on TikTok
This kid has over two million subscribers on YouTube? is a site where this young man finds & shares weird stuff on the web. @Trilzo‧169K subscribers‧134 videos (169,000?!)
One of my students came into class with a candy dispenser that looked like this monkey.